Gabriela Ramirez-Arellano Gabriela Ramirez-Arellano

Kindness is Contagious

This episode explores kindness and its contagious nature, emphasizing its transformative power in our lives and communities. We start by highlighting the significance of small acts of kindness and the psychological mechanisms behind its contagiousness.

It also explores the reciprocal benefits of kindness for both the giver and the receiver, promoting overall well-being and connection. And the reminder that connection creates belonging.

As Latinx professionals, I encourage us to lead by example in fostering cultures of kindness in workplaces and communities!

Check out the latest

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stress Gabriela Ramirez-Arellano stress Gabriela Ramirez-Arellano

Stress and Overwhelm

🎙️ Dive into the latest episode of Autentico Podcast!

🎧 We're exploring stress and overwhelm through the lens of Brendon Burchard's powerful Thunder analogy ⚡.

Learn 4 steps to weather life's storms and emerge stronger.

Don't let stress hold you back. Tune in and take charge of your life today! 🌟

You can control stress and these 4 steps will get you started in identifying stress before it’s upon you - when you hear the thunder….pay attention to the warning signs

What are your triggers and what habits can you look to to get you out from under the weight of stress-inducing situations?

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