My Plans for 2024


I’m excited to be writing and recording again. Most of all I’m excited about another year with you, sharing some of my personal insight, introducing you to amazing people, sharing their lessons learned, and inspiration.

As I reflect on the last few years, I realize the importance of living my dash.

The dash, those precious moments between our birth and departure, etched onto the headstone.

The dash, holding the essence of our existence.

This concept of living my dash came to me as I prepared to speak at the GRIT gala, where I delved into my chapter in the anthology, Resilience. It was an opportunity for me to explore my grief, acknowledging the absence of my daughter Marcela and son Edward. The dash became a powerful metaphor, urging me to make every moment count.

These last few years have been a time of introspection and, a journey of carrying looking at my unfinished dreams and theirs. It's a reminder of life's unpredictability and the importance of saying yes to opportunities while we are alive.

The beginning of the year is always a time for reflection a moment to pause and contemplate and so at the end of 2023, I did a couple of group challenges with Brendon Bouchard and Mel Robbins. Those sessions helped me look back at where I was in various areas of my life and reflect on what I wanted to do differently, more of, or maybe not do at all. Both of those challenges really focused on intentions rather than resolutions and aligning those intentions with your actions and daily tasks. The exercises and questions were transformative, paving the way for a more intentional and successful approach to the new year that I can't wait to share with you throughout the year.

My plan for 2024 is to live out loud, empower more people, enjoy the little things, make time to continue to elevate my voice, travel more, and make tons of memories with my family and friends. I hope my journey inspires you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and purposeful planning.

Here's to living our dash and embracing the opportunities that lie ahead in 2024!


Nice to Meet You!


Mireya Rivas